mandag den 7. februar 2011

Anti-imperialistisk volds-romantik

"The FMI [Forbundet mod Imperialismen] was very inclusive in the sense that it unfolded its anti-imperialist engagement in relation to South East Asia, Latin America, Africa, as well as the Middle East. In fact it was a fusion of the remains of the radical Vietnam Movement, the Indo-China Committees, plus the Palestine and Gulf Committees, both established in the late 1960s.

But the FMI was also closely connected with the small party-preparatory organization called the Forbundet Socialisterne [The Socialist League], which represented a dogmatic interpretation of Leninist party theory. The Forbundet Socialisterne was only one of many small, marginalized party-preparatory organisations in the outskirts of the parliamentary sphere, and as such it may serve as an example of a political phenomenon, a sign of the times. FMI was quite radical in the sense that revolutionary development in Denmark, which they believed in, was seen as closely connected with the liberation movements’ struggles against imperialism in the Third World. With the so-called proletarian international as a basis, they understood the class struggle in Denmark as part of the international struggle against imperialism – it was, basically, one and the same thing. This was a significant intensification compared with involvement with Vietnam towards the end of the 1960s. The elements of anti-authoritarian enthusiasm, central to parts of the Vietnam involvement, had been succeeded by a much more theoretically focused revolutionary enthusiasm in FMI.
The FMI published a magazine, the “International Bulletin”, written within the framework of a theoretical ideological discourse focusing on the struggle and its continued intensification. The Palestinian problem constituted a large part of the reason for involvement. It is worth noticing that almost all the pictures that printed showed armed struggle and an aesthetic worship of its beauty: Handsome Palestinian guerrilla warriors, Fedayeen in rugged landscapes, machine guns ornamented with flowers and flags, and gun sights as graphical frames around several pictures. The actual armed struggle was seen as a central strategy in the concrete Palestine problem, but at the same time it reached far beyond that actual war. Apart from the fact that the analysis at the root of this understanding was revolutionary, the connection was also formulated in quite violent language:

'Only a people’s war can conquer imperialism – in the Middle East as elsewhere. […] Such a victory and the preceding revolutionary process will signify a final victory over and liquidation of the reactionary forces in the area and furthermore, to a large extent, increase the contradictions in the world imperialist system.'"

Karen S. Bjerregaard: "The Meaning of Armed Struggle. Solidarity with the Third World in Denmark in the 1960s and 1970s", i Henrik Jensen (red.): "Rebellion and resistance", Pisa. Pisa University Press, 2009 (s. 146)

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej, jeg hedder "Inger Pedersen" Jeg er fra Danmark. Jeg var gift i 9 år med Oscar. Ting begyndte at blive grimt, og vi havde kampe og argumenter næsten hver gang på grund af min manglende evne til at føde ham et barn. Min mand pludselig begyndte at sove ude og give forskellige undskyldninger for, hvorfor han ikke kan komme hjem. Han begyndte at have anliggender med andre kvinder uden for at overveje, hvordan jeg vil have det.

    Hele min verden blev knust, og det ser ud til, at jeg mistede den eneste person, jeg nogensinde virkelig har elsket. Oscar var min bedste ven, min soulmate, min Superhelt og min hjerteslag, men han ser ikke længere noget godt i mig. Det blev værre på et tidspunkt, at han anmodede om skilsmisse ... Jeg prøvede mit bedste for at få ham til at skifte mening og blive hos mig, men al indsats var nytteløs. Jeg bønfaldt og prøvede alt, men stadig, intet virkede.

    Gennembruddet kom, da nogen introducerede mig for denne vidunderlige, store stavebeslag, der til sidst hjalp mig med ... Jeg har aldrig været fan af ting som dette, men besluttede bare at prøve modvilligt, fordi jeg var desperat og efterlod intet valg ... Han holdt specielle bønner og brugte rødder og urter ... Inden for 2 dage ringede han til mig og var ked af alt det følelsesmæssige traume, han havde forårsaget mig, han flyttede tilbage til huset, og vi fortsætter med at leve lykkeligt. hvad et vidunderligt mirakel Baba Egbe gjorde for mig og min familie. Den gode nyhed er Oscar, og jeg er nu tilbage sammen og lever lykkeligt, og vi er blevet velsignet med tre børn, to drenge og en dejlig pige efter 9 år med barnløshed. Han hjalp mig også med at løse mit gigtproblem, som jeg har beskæftiget mig med i årevis

    Jeg har introduceret ham for en masse par med problemer overalt i verden, og de har haft gode nyheder ... Jeg er overbevist om, at nogen derude har brug for hans hjælp. For hurtig hjælp af enhver art, kontakt Baba Egbe nu via hans e-mail: eller WhatsApp ham på +2347013499818
